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Lindsey Harrod x Erin Fader Jewelry Body Empowerment Collection!

Lindsey Harrod x Erin Fader Jewelry Body Empowerment Collection!

Hi Ladies!

I wanted to take a minute to highlight the incredible women who made this campaign and my vision for the body empowerment collection to come to life!

NO. 1

Lindsey Harrod

Lindsey aims to promote body positivity through working out and moving your body, she had her own personal journey of finding self love and being comfortable in her skin and wants to help others feel confident in their bodies.
We are so grateful to have her collaborate with us on a full body empowerment jewelry collection!💕


NO. 2

Stef Corgel

Stef is a fitness instructor, she keeps us in check to move our bodies and get our workouts in. We’re seriously contemplating doing her tone it up summer challenge to get our bodies moving and grooving!

NO. 3

Tori Simeone

Former NBA dancer Tori shows us how to tone it up and we are currently following her bridal sculpt as she prepares to get married! We are so into her workouts and her healthy meal ideas are so yummy!

NO. 4

Carissa Stanton

We are seriously obsessed with Carissa’s recipes! Teaching us how to nourish our bodies while still being healthy and feeding your body the nutrients it needs. Shout out to you girl, I’m implementing your recipes into my weekly meals!


NO. 5

Britney West

Britney inspires women to love their body! We love her outlook on life promoting confidence is key in loving yourself and it truly exudes through her beauty and can we talk about that gorgeous smile!

NO. 6

Alexis Richards

Alexis focuses on stretching and flexibility to feel comfortable in your body. She wants everyone to be flexible and agile to feel good, coining the term teaching you how to bend so you don’t break. We’re obsessed with her stretching tutorials because it keeps you feeling super relaxed and it’s a great workout!

NO. 7

Jessica Harbour

We are so thankful we got to have this hot mama in our campaign. Showing the world the true definition of the pregnancy glow! She’s also inspiring us to get out & travel now that things are opening up!

None of this would've been possible without these incredible ladies, thank you and I hope everyone is as inspired by this collection as we are!

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